Tuesday 5 January 2010

Posterrrr update y'all.

So, basically, some of them didn't work so well. Others did though.
Heres a mixture of the ones i've put together.
These two were the christmas based poster designs.
Overall i don't think these two have worked fantasticly well.
I tried to use the white in the corner to set the text on but it was too short further up where i wanted to put it, so I had to place it further down which hasn't really worked too well.
The label also doesn't really stand out that much.

These ones are done on an illustration that I did in pen and coloured ink. I think these ones have worked alot better than the xmas versions. In particular I like the one on the right as I think the logo and text sit better with the imagery and there is an extra line which explains the poster a little more which the left hand picture does not have. I think the one on the left works less as the text comes too close to the label and distracts from it wheras the one on the right works really well as both the logo and the label jump out of the image.

When I discussed my work with a working designer he said to make it as simple as possible so here it is. The basic photo with a logo. Straight out simple. I think that both of these give a really good effect but the left hand looks perhaps a little too simple as the logo looks like its floating wheras on the right the text ties the label and the logo together nicely. The text also adds explanation so I think it is more effective. I also like the layout of the big and small point size type. Good times.

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