I spent all day reading books about semiotics and looking at websites and then biographising them in the correct harvard format and stuff. Basically I spent about 6 and a half to 7 hours working today and now I'm ready to do my essay. Eugh. Essentially I just have about 7 pages of quotes from various books which is probably about half the required length of the essay so at least I won't have to think that much.
I also realised today how much more interesting stuff I have to read. I've got 2 whole copies of Juxtapoz that I haven't had a chance to look at, along with the winter issue of illustration, an issue of territory and other none art related things. Anyway, it just annoyed me that I spent all day reading books that all begin with "the theories of..." rather than interesting bits. I haven't even had time to draw any zombies or splash red ink on some pages. Lame. Well it's new years tommorow. hurrah. I don't know who I write all this stuff for, nobody really reads my blog. I just like to vent. If you have read this. Let me know. Maybe you'd like to strike up a conversation about popular culture, semiotics or gender in the media. Or a complaint about these topics. Let me know.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
More again. pufut.

Anyway. I know this looks almost extactly like the other one before, but if you look very closely at the shape of the outlines just to the right of the zip it is infact the shape of Bangladesh.
Just thought I'd put it there for extra effect.
Poster Drawing
More again. It's been a busy day. Or not. Don't know. Due to complete lack of light it seems to have just drifted away with no apparent arrival in the first place. Lame.
Anyway, I had a go at drawing the label and the coat situation.
Here it is. Worked all right but due to the massive blackness on the left hand side their is a giant space with nothing in it which I don't really like at all.
Anyway, next step.

I got some new inks yo and wanted to try them out so I busted this out. Not a great difference but a little colour making the label pop I think works well.
Anyway, since it's all nice and shiny and white it should be easy to bust some good copy on top of.
Anyway, I had a go at drawing the label and the coat situation.
Here it is. Worked all right but due to the massive blackness on the left hand side their is a giant space with nothing in it which I don't really like at all.
Anyway, next step.

I got some new inks yo and wanted to try them out so I busted this out. Not a great difference but a little colour making the label pop I think works well.
Anyway, since it's all nice and shiny and white it should be easy to bust some good copy on top of.
More Ideas For Posters
Ok, so this set of images that is now working, hurrah, is based on the idea of a christmas present containing a help me tag.
they told me I'd have good reception here. MASSIVE LIE. I might attach a giant radio antennae to my laptop and see if that helps. EUGH.

I think they've worked quite well as the wrapping paper serves as a frame and also creates an odd shape to everything. I like the colour palette on them and I think they are quite strong.
On this one I tried to make the wrapping paper at the bottom leave a space for me to write some text on where it would be easily visible which I think has semi-worked. We'll find out when I write on the fucker.
Black Box

Democracy Day
none of the images will load for some reason so I guess I'll just have to write about the great event.
Basically this was the first group day task. We were split up into groups of 5 or 6 and were given the brief to produce a poster based around the idea of "democracy." Pretty open brief all in all. So we got to work brainstorming and stuff and came up with a few different ideas. The central theme we wanted to go for was to mock democracy and it's failing, how useless the election system is and how the government is in fact not a democracy as they ignore the voice of the people. We agreed on this but had some differeneces in creative opinion in regards to the poster, as was wont to happen. So we split into two sub-groups, each researching different elements and working on seperate poster designs. My research was based upon govenment manifestos and how, although these are the promises that get them elected, they often fail to produce. The public knows this and yet still continues to vote for the big parties. Anyway, I discovered that of it's last manifesto Labour had only managed to produce results on 3 out of 9 big promises, only a third. We felt this was a strong figure that could be central to the copy of our poster. So that's what it got designed around. In retrospect I think the message given was very good but because we spent so long buggering about researching the relevant information we had a lot less time to create something visually interesting and so the poster was quite weak. It also didn't help that I had to create it when I suck on computers. I think the group didn't work together particularly well as a lot of people sat out whilst a minority did the main work.
none of the images will load for some reason so I guess I'll just have to write about the great event.
Basically this was the first group day task. We were split up into groups of 5 or 6 and were given the brief to produce a poster based around the idea of "democracy." Pretty open brief all in all. So we got to work brainstorming and stuff and came up with a few different ideas. The central theme we wanted to go for was to mock democracy and it's failing, how useless the election system is and how the government is in fact not a democracy as they ignore the voice of the people. We agreed on this but had some differeneces in creative opinion in regards to the poster, as was wont to happen. So we split into two sub-groups, each researching different elements and working on seperate poster designs. My research was based upon govenment manifestos and how, although these are the promises that get them elected, they often fail to produce. The public knows this and yet still continues to vote for the big parties. Anyway, I discovered that of it's last manifesto Labour had only managed to produce results on 3 out of 9 big promises, only a third. We felt this was a strong figure that could be central to the copy of our poster. So that's what it got designed around. In retrospect I think the message given was very good but because we spent so long buggering about researching the relevant information we had a lot less time to create something visually interesting and so the poster was quite weak. It also didn't help that I had to create it when I suck on computers. I think the group didn't work together particularly well as a lot of people sat out whilst a minority did the main work.
Monday, 28 December 2009
To Do List:
Mainly for me:
- Democracy poster write up...done
- Black Box write up...done
- poster photos...done
- creation of posters - involving addition of type and logos.
- experimentations...done
- drawing in general
- write up poster shit - has to wait until posters are in fact done.
- draw some zombies... a couple...more needed.
- test out spray varnish I bought today... massive fail. bollocks. hmm.
- creation of CV
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Photos for Posters
Herein lies the photos.

Basic idea is to have your clothing with the clothes tags asking for help. The tag lines and logos will be added and all will be well. I wanted to do two posters, one male clothing and one female clothing. Here are some photos.
All in all I think these work quite well, I've tried to make the labels prominent within the imagery to draw attention to them. I like the lighting on the clothing and have tried to exaggerate the folds and such.

The male ones I am unsure about which to go with. The top one is interesting but the label doesn't really stand out enough from the clothing because of the amount of red going on. Whereas the one below it has a good level of contrast between the label and the clothing but the composition is a little weird because of how far over it is, but could be interesting as a poster. I guess I'll decide once I've smashed some logos and tag lines across them.
The female one at the bottom is a bit dodgy because the light was really bad and i had to do loads of cloning to make the writing on the label legible. fail. The one above it I think is quite good though as the label sits in the darker half of the imagery and really stands out from the rest of the piece. The zooming right in on the clothes I think works really well as it takes away the complication of the figure and just leaves the clothing as the focus which I think would work well as an adshel poster.
The female one at the bottom is a bit dodgy because the light was really bad and i had to do loads of cloning to make the writing on the label legible. fail. The one above it I think is quite good though as the label sits in the darker half of the imagery and really stands out from the rest of the piece. The zooming right in on the clothes I think works really well as it takes away the complication of the figure and just leaves the clothing as the focus which I think would work well as an adshel poster.
I might bust out some drawings of some of these or something because to be honest I am so sick of working on computers, it feels like I'm doing absolutely nothing all day when I should be working and it's become depressing. I need to create something hardcopy rather than all of this digital work. Drawing is definitely required.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Low Budget Project Version 3 - Clothing Tags

Thursday, 10 December 2009
Next Up
Next up on my low budget project list was AVERAGE WAGE PRICE noodles.
This seems to have worked really well since i keep showing it to people and they don't even realise it's not an actual Asda pot. Hurrah. Heres the label.
Basically it has loads of information about sweatshops in Bangladesh instead of information about noodles.

This seems to have worked really well since i keep showing it to people and they don't even realise it's not an actual Asda pot. Hurrah. Heres the label.
Basically it has loads of information about sweatshops in Bangladesh instead of information about noodles.
I win.
Coming soon... Clothing tags.
Monday, 7 December 2009
First Sticker Designs
O.k. So for this War On Want campaign I have to come up with a low budget idea. One of my idea's that I thought I'd run with was stickers. There's other ideas in the works but here's the first designs for my stickers.
Design One.
The Fashion Victims tag is taken from a pre-existing WOW campaign but I think it works quite well to put a point forwards, taking a concept usually associated with consumers and reversing it.
The photo is also taken from the same campaign.
The addition of the question underneath the photo I think aids the image and makes the viewer think more about the concept.
Design Two.
I don't particularly like this one due to the layout design. I don't think it is very effective.
I do however like the tag line I used here. The larger type of SLAVERY really draws in the eye and gives out a very important message to the imagery. The addition of "no matter how you dress it up" also gives it an extra interesting twist which i like.
Design Three.
Using the same tag line as number two I think this one works a lot better, the eye is immediately drawn to the bold type of the important issues.
I also like the layout here, with varying leading and tracking on the type gives it an interesting effect.
Design Four.
This is probably my favorite design of the first set.
Again the same tag line but the slavery even bigger here to really draw the eye, and having the text split around the image I think works really well.
The use of white space between the tag line and the web address I also like. The final piece I added was the use of the question under the web address, again to make the viewer think. I think this one is possibly the most effective as it is simple yet emotive.
Design Five.
I think this one is overly crowded with tag lines and doesn't offer any information to redeem itself.
I don't really like the layout either, again too crowd and generally ineffective.
Design One.
The Fashion Victims tag is taken from a pre-existing WOW campaign but I think it works quite well to put a point forwards, taking a concept usually associated with consumers and reversing it.
The photo is also taken from the same campaign.
The addition of the question underneath the photo I think aids the image and makes the viewer think more about the concept.
Design Two.
I don't particularly like this one due to the layout design. I don't think it is very effective.
I do however like the tag line I used here. The larger type of SLAVERY really draws in the eye and gives out a very important message to the imagery. The addition of "no matter how you dress it up" also gives it an extra interesting twist which i like.
Design Three.
Using the same tag line as number two I think this one works a lot better, the eye is immediately drawn to the bold type of the important issues.
I also like the layout here, with varying leading and tracking on the type gives it an interesting effect.
Design Four.
This is probably my favorite design of the first set.
Again the same tag line but the slavery even bigger here to really draw the eye, and having the text split around the image I think works really well.
The use of white space between the tag line and the web address I also like. The final piece I added was the use of the question under the web address, again to make the viewer think. I think this one is possibly the most effective as it is simple yet emotive.
Design Five.
I think this one is overly crowded with tag lines and doesn't offer any information to redeem itself.
I don't really like the layout either, again too crowd and generally ineffective.
Design Six.
My fonts gone weird.
Taking a different approach to the stickers. I think this has worked quite well.
Simple, hard facts in really bold type I think leaves the viewer to make up their own mind.
War On Want
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
War On Want
So the new project is to create an advertising campaign for a charity called War On Want. An adshell poster is needed, as is a low budget campaign in an innovative format.
Click below to goto the website.
War on Want
Click below to goto the website.
War on Want
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
I think that the work I have produced throughout this unit has been of good quality. I have enjoyed using a variety of different media, particularly ones that I haven't used before. In the next unit I would like to try and push this further, experimenting with more new media and combining them to create new styles of work for myself. I would also like to further my knowledge of the theory behind the work in order to create more meaningful pieces.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
T'was The Day Before Deadline
And all the work is done. Hurrah. Only a few academic bits, putting things in the right places and such. Bring on the next brief yo.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Visual Equations revisited

New baby.
Birthday Card.
Christmas Card.

Valentines card.
Organ Donor,
Visual Equations
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Promo Print
David Choe,
Fear and Loathing,
Promo Print,
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