So the basic idea was to give the idea that the sweatshop workers were sending out a message for help via tags that they would attach to the clothes that they are making. I decided to make them out of cardboard so that it looks low budget and they obviously wouldn't have the money or technology to produce anything more high tech. So i tried out a few different things for the front but decided to stick with the cardboard look. Again the idea would be that the designs could be placed on the WOW website so that people could create their own labels and put them in clothing made in sweatshops to help the cause. I used the war on want logo on the back with the web address to advertise it. I made the white of the logo a little transparent which I think has worked well as a design choice.

Overall I think it's a pretty strong idea and could easily be converted into a poster design of some sorts. Already took some photos for that but haven't got them ready to put up yet.
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