Wednesday 16 November 2011

Hand Drawn Kinetic Type #2: Touche Amore's Pathfinder - Work In Progress

So after the delight I had after finding out that actually, not only was making hand drawn kinetic type ( with a dodgy camera I ordered on eBay from Honk Kong) really fun, it looked pretty cool and other people actually like it. Ergo: make more. I've decided that I'm going to work my way through the album and see if I can do the whole thing. The first one was scratchy and unplanned. Change that. Think about this more. The second track 'Pathfinder' is about half done now and looking sweet. Not going to post it yet but here's some light typography. 

Mmmm. Light Stencils.

Frankly, these were some happy accidents that occurred when I was moving all the stuff off my table. But they look sweet, so I'm going to immediately upload the 2nd one to my website.

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