Tuesday 30 March 2010

Layout Design 2 Double Spreads

Okay, so we've already seen this one, but I've added in the correct text to it, and put in my paragraph styles to seperate the interviewer from interviewee. Some small problems occured though, as since I moved computers I don't have the same fonts, so it's changed the font from Adobe Garamond pro on my body copt to times new roman. And also I don't have Futura condensed extra bold on here so it's put the title on normal futura and so it wouldn't fit in the allocated space. It's supposed to read "Intelligent Design" since Ellen Lupton talks about design as a religion in the interview. Most obvious copy writing ever. I also added another 5mm to the gutter as my text would have been chopped off, which meant I had to make the page wider so I'm now running a 200x210 setup.

Here's the second spread. I needed to keep it fairly similar so that it stays with the theme. So we have a continuation of the different sized text boxes creating space with pictures sat in places to create more odd shapes. Overall I think this works quite well. I tried not to let the extra text (that I had to add in to fit in the whole interview) overpower the page and I think that by leaving a lot of space around it I managed to do this. I also added some page numbers and section tabs in here but they don't seem to have shown up in the export which is pretty annoying. Oh well. All that remains is to create illustrations/photography and get rid of these big orange boxes. TBPS. (to be posted soon)

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